Monday, December 29, 2008

A Sean thing

To say I'm a fan of this brand would be an understatement. As a Brand Strategist I have the ability to be highly critical...and I usually am. But these guys have just killed it from the outset.

Every great brand has a story of conception. This is no different. Without Google searching I can tell you that Sean Ashby was sitting on the beach at Bondi (how Aussie is that?!!) and wondering why he couldn't buy the kind of swimwear he really wanted. With 20K he and buddy Guyon started this whole Aussiebum charade.

Since then I have silently watched this brand through website upgrades, new product innovations and new models. Total fan. As an Australian, I'm totally inspired when I can walk into a top London store and see Aussiebum lining the shelves.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Brotherly love.

Invested in these for my bro for Christmas. Steel's in green. CK are a lab of geniuses!

Just don't tell him that I've been photographing these things BEFORE giving them to him!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When I think of underwear...

I think of Mark Whalberg,

Rafael Nadal,

And our very own Pat Rafter.

Any of these that are not like the other one?!!
Who is missing an underwear endorsement here?!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

And you can even wash the packaging!

Here's an innovation. Buy a pair of underwear and wash them in the packaging they came in! I saw this about three years ago in a design book in a bookstore and took a nice illegal photo of it. Consequently got banned from the bookstore...

They're called DEVO. They won a heap of packaging awards but there seems to be no trace of them left on the internet.

OBVIOUSLY a designer after a trophy!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rifstesky What?

So there really should be a limit to naming brands after yourself. Mr Ristefsky and Mr Macheda really ought to stop being so proud. It took me YEARS to re-remember this brand name. I first came across them in 2007 in Melbourne Fashion Week.

I TOTALLY missed this show. We were en route and ended up in the industrial area of Melbourne somewhere. Damn these warehouse shows! Got given two free pairs at Midsumma Festival the next year by the boys themselves and promptly handed them onto the first lucky gay boy I could find.

Even he couldn't pronounce the name...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CK Stalker

It's not often that I look down the backs of people's pants. Actually, that's a lie. Of course I do! And this guy was no exception. Well, he made it easy for me as we were at a music festival and he plonked his brightly coloured Calvins in front of me.

I love how Calvin Klein can go from erotic to entertaining all with the quick flip of a font change. Nice work.

Monday, August 4, 2008

From the keyboard of an Aussie Bum...

Why on earth would a girl have so much interest in men's underwear I hear you say? Well my friends, it comes down to jealously. Why do men get all the funky, sexy and comfortable underwear options in this world?! And no! G-strings are not classifiable as underwear!

To see what all the fuss was about, I bought myself a pair of these:

I repeat: Why do men get all the fun?! Pirate themed underwear! Brilliant!

Anyway, it's 2008, I need a blog! So I have finally decided to consolidate all of my underwear findings in one place so I (a) don't lose them and (b) have a grand reference for everything when I finally fulfill my dream of working for a top underwear brand.
