Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Jumping on the brand bandwagon more commonly known as "Country of origin", the PATRIOTIC box involves a unique mix of obvious design and inherent brand properties.

It goes from the straight up obvious:

To the built in brand factor:

Country of Origin can have a massive influence in purchase decision but it's a big decision for a brand to label themselves as purely about one country. Personally, I'm never leaving home without a pair of Bonds.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gen Y initiative

I can't believe it's taken Bonds this long to bring out a boxers range for all those Northern Beaches skater boys...I can BET that there is a little Gen Y sitting over at Bonds headquarters, who has just graduated from design school and decided to wow management with his revolutionary idea of boxers for Bonds. I love it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I love a good brand refresh as much as the next brand strategist. What I DON'T like is the lazy use of "so hot right now" celebrities (or recently championed sports stars) to launch a brand. Especially couples that are together (at the time).

Davenport had a good crack at this, sure. But tell me, WHEN ON EARTH are Eamon Sullivan and Stephanie Rice EVER going to wear a pair of undies with a massive amount of embroidery on the ass?!!

Ok, ok, I know it's a publicity stunt, but that's my problem here. It's a STUNT!! It's not real!!

As for the product, they've spent a heap of cash on the marketing and are still making shitty underwear imported from China. Lift your game please.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When do bathers become undies?

Having worked with the ad world for a number of years, there is nothing more refreshing than a smart campaign. And such words of truth!! My dad (actually I think all dad's) is a total "but they're speedo's" bandit when around the house. Or mowing the lawn.