Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Björn? Boris?

You know, I always confuse Björn Borg for Boris Becker. I don't know where the association got lost, but I think of 80's tennis stars beginning with B and I end up with the red-headed gigantor Mr Becker.

I think this is why my subconscious secretly whispers "don't do it" whenever I go to buy a pair of these...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Microsoft Paint Brandmark

While we're talking about Aussie Underwear Brands, I have to say that this is just about the shittest, laziest brandmark I have ever seen from DeeJay.

It sends shivers up my spine more than the incorrect use of Comic Sans does.

Team Oz.

Aussie underwear brands need a good KICKING. How about even a good floggin? Well here they are! Prepare for the flog!


DT Underwear


Ristefsky Macheda



Ian Thorpe Underwear (hard to find these days)


Mitch Dowd

Macpherson Men


Mojo Underwear

Van Heusen

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Undercover in Berlin

It's hard to be inconspicuous when you're trying to take a secret photo of underwear packaging inside a small boutique store with a massive SLR. Hence the paparazzi style angle of this photo...Somehow I managed to pull it off with a strategic cough during the shutter close.

MOVING ON...these are actually from a Berlin store by Diesel. Quite crafty packaging if you ask me, five stars!