Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A wee brand name mistake...

Poor Interesting choice of brand name here from the guy who created Ginch Gonch.

Honestly, I think it has been lost in translation. Sure, no doubt "Piss and Vinegar" is a great cultural reference to young, dumb boys but seriously - PISS?! Did Mr Ginch Gonch forget the area he was dealing with?

Has he caused a stir? Probably yes. Has he sold a million pairs of underwear? Probably no. I'd be scared there would be stains on these little puppies. Today I am thankful that I am not a boy!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A roaring trend

You can bet your best pair of Calvins that you're going to see more of this. Underwear with loud prints of aggressive animals on the pouch. Well done to Ed Hardy for being the first on the bandwagon, but he better be thinking of the next thing!

Friday, December 11, 2009

BONDS from way back...

There's no denying it. I'm a BONDS kind of girl. I'm living in Spain at the moment and all I wanted to buy on my quick trip to Australia last year was more BONDS.

They've obviously refreshed the brand strategy to have a bit of cheek in it. A far cry from the original staples. I believe The Campaign Palace is to thank for this.

Such a shame they're made in China...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Artest" undies.

You know, these are just gorgeous.

And so simple. The boys over at Stonemen have gotten right down to business, stripped it bare and presented us with three simple cuts and beautiful designs. I would love an insight into the printing process for this to ensure that each print lines up, regardless of size.

Still, they're Aussie, they're from Bondi (seems like this has to be a pre-requisite for underwear brands these days) and they're beautiful.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Butt I want more!

Now I've seen it all. There was a guy at school who quite literally had no ass. I would watch in amazement as he would perch on the edge of a desk - I was POSITIVE that he would just slide off. What piece of invisible rump was there to actually catch his body? It still baffles me.

But of course there is a fix! The Package Booster is here! The before and after facial expressions are just priceless...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Obvious Error

This is a hard one (pun intended).

How do you get those damn waistbands to line up? It is an age-old mystery for the underwear world and I'm yet to see someone who has mastered it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

What type of underwear are you?

For a little bit of resting time, away from the design world I have found myself on a superyacht in Spain as a deckhand. When work is low, I get the pleasure of being handed laundry folding jobs. Now what is fantastic about this (in a weird way) is that I get to see first hand what my crew is wearing beneath their uniforms.

When being given the run-down, one of the girls had to give me the 101 on who's underwear was who's. "The captain wears new Calvins and new Armarni, the first mate wears old Calvins, the engineer wears Primark boxers and the chef wears Bonds".

Fascinating to know that people only stick to one brand and in most cases, one style.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My first pair of Steel's.

And what an investment! It took a European trip and a CK flagship store to bite the bullet and buy the Steel's.

Hot. Literally. They're made in Egypt!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Björn? Boris?

You know, I always confuse Björn Borg for Boris Becker. I don't know where the association got lost, but I think of 80's tennis stars beginning with B and I end up with the red-headed gigantor Mr Becker.

I think this is why my subconscious secretly whispers "don't do it" whenever I go to buy a pair of these...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Microsoft Paint Brandmark

While we're talking about Aussie Underwear Brands, I have to say that this is just about the shittest, laziest brandmark I have ever seen from DeeJay.

It sends shivers up my spine more than the incorrect use of Comic Sans does.

Team Oz.

Aussie underwear brands need a good KICKING. How about even a good floggin? Well here they are! Prepare for the flog!


DT Underwear


Ristefsky Macheda



Ian Thorpe Underwear (hard to find these days)


Mitch Dowd

Macpherson Men


Mojo Underwear

Van Heusen

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Undercover in Berlin

It's hard to be inconspicuous when you're trying to take a secret photo of underwear packaging inside a small boutique store with a massive SLR. Hence the paparazzi style angle of this photo...Somehow I managed to pull it off with a strategic cough during the shutter close.

MOVING ON...these are actually from a Berlin store by Diesel. Quite crafty packaging if you ask me, five stars!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Jumping on the brand bandwagon more commonly known as "Country of origin", the PATRIOTIC box involves a unique mix of obvious design and inherent brand properties.

It goes from the straight up obvious:

To the built in brand factor:

Country of Origin can have a massive influence in purchase decision but it's a big decision for a brand to label themselves as purely about one country. Personally, I'm never leaving home without a pair of Bonds.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gen Y initiative

I can't believe it's taken Bonds this long to bring out a boxers range for all those Northern Beaches skater boys...I can BET that there is a little Gen Y sitting over at Bonds headquarters, who has just graduated from design school and decided to wow management with his revolutionary idea of boxers for Bonds. I love it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I love a good brand refresh as much as the next brand strategist. What I DON'T like is the lazy use of "so hot right now" celebrities (or recently championed sports stars) to launch a brand. Especially couples that are together (at the time).

Davenport had a good crack at this, sure. But tell me, WHEN ON EARTH are Eamon Sullivan and Stephanie Rice EVER going to wear a pair of undies with a massive amount of embroidery on the ass?!!

Ok, ok, I know it's a publicity stunt, but that's my problem here. It's a STUNT!! It's not real!!

As for the product, they've spent a heap of cash on the marketing and are still making shitty underwear imported from China. Lift your game please.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When do bathers become undies?

Having worked with the ad world for a number of years, there is nothing more refreshing than a smart campaign. And such words of truth!! My dad (actually I think all dad's) is a total "but they're speedo's" bandit when around the house. Or mowing the lawn.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back in the 13th Century...

This is my friend the medieval enthusiast. He lives in Germany (as medieval enthusiasts tend to live) and he is currently giving me a detailed walkthrough of medieval underwear. They are made of linen and are surprisingly warm!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy Snap.

The date on this photo says 2006. It's concerning to me that in amidst the holiday happy snaps I have random photo's of magazines with mens underwear. Makes it a bit awkward when you put your photo collection on random view and show it to your mum. I believe the thought around this was "oh my god! the double band! Of course". Or something like that.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday night undies

How I end up having random conversations with boys about underwear by campfires in Munich, I will never know. Even so, this conversation was a fruitful one.

These two young lads from Maine USA introduced me to their term "Friday night undies". Actually, they called them "underwear" with a thick American accent, but seeing as how this is an Aussie blog, UNDIES it will be.

These boys were a "standard Tommy Hilfiger by day" (not that I knew TH was standard), and "CK's for Friday night". Hence the term Friday Night Undies. I like the idea. I like that we all subconsciously have a pair of Friday night undies that we put off wearing until the end of the week just so "we can hope to get layed" (Brian, aged 21).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

No more tighty whities

This campaign deserves an honorable mention.

True to brand, Ginch Gonch have embarked on a worlwide mission to "promote, advance and support the cause against any and all forms of boring tighty whities, blah boxers and granny panties".

With street protests and guerrilla tactics, Ginch Gonch have taken their devil-would-care attitude and generated some hardcore publicity for this one.

A marvel-arse piece of marketing.

Not without David!

What would this blog be without a mention of Mr Beckham himself.

I always find celebrity underwear endorsements interesting. The fact that a brand can rest their entire reputation on the back(side) of a celebrity seems a little risky for me. Still, David Beckham and his photoshopped package sure did wonders for Armarni!

Monday, July 27, 2009

From the Street

Another day, another trend worth mentioning. Taking it to the streets has always been a worthwhile guerrilla tactic used by brands all over the world. Why should underwear brands be any different?!

The two that come to mind are the infamous "Carlee's Angels" from Aussiebum and the "No More Tighty Whities" campaign by Ginch Gonch. Both involve really hot chicks asking boys to take off their jocks and slip into a pair of more comfortable ones...

Effective and a pleasure to watch!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Somewhere in Spain

The Spanish have these stores PURELY dedicated to underwear. And they are EVERYWHERE. In the most random little town you can still come across designer undies. This will never cease to amaze me.

Not quite sure what "no comment underwear" actually means. Lost in translation?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

NOT for cox

There is one brand that makes me continuously cringe whenever I see it. Cocksox. With my Brand Strategy hat on I say congratulations for picking a niche market and talking directly to them. From a female perspective I say GROSS. But they're not for me. In ANY shape or form. Gay men with tendencies for raciness, this is your brand.

Racy little things with fine fabric and maximum transparency. Not my kinda scene!

The visual of a cock in a sock is just something I can't get past. No more mention of them on this little blog!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've decided to list my observations of underwear categories so I can get my head around new styles. I love a good generalisation, so let's start with nostalgia.

To me, this category has two main points of classification - style and print. These undies are all about letting boys re-live their younger days so it's all about pirate prints and comfy undies.

Some examples:

by Ginch Gonch

by Aussiebum

by PopDuds

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Steel, Steel, Everywhere!

Watching a trend unfold is like watching someone fall off their ski's while viewing them from the safety of a chairlift. You can see the first wobble, the slight recovery and then the fully fledged stack. Soon, the slight wobble is now seen by EVERYONE!

CK did it first. You know what I'm talking about. The STEEL revolution. Those silvery waistbands with a feel of steel.

Personally, I know when a trend has reached its limit when the design works its way to Bonds. They are my barometer of a trend done.

Monday, March 9, 2009